Venture Bros – WTF?

I have not thought about The Venture Bros in a long time until I was shuffling through my stack of DVDs and watched a couple old episodes. Thats when it dawned on me, what the hell ever happened to the show. Last I recall the had a couple half seasons and then disappeared.

I have to say there was three things that I really like about the show. The cheesiness, the style, and the animation. All these things helped to make it one of the coolest cartoons I have see since Johnny Quest (direct parody).

Favorite character – Henchmen 21

Best Episode – Pretty much all of them.

Best Costume – Dr. Mrs. The Monarch (duh)

One Reply to “Venture Bros – WTF?”

  1. Oh sorry I guess I did miss the one 15 minute episode this year,From the Ladle to the Grave: The Story of Shallow Gravy.
    Don’t get me wrong, I still love the hell outta this show. I would take any Venture Bros rerun over the absolute shite they pass as entertainment on most channels.

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