I’m jumping back into drawing after taking a few months off. I put little effort into the background, but I felt like drawing a hulking Conan the Barbarian type He-Man. I’m really trying something new on coloring, not sure how I fell about it, but it’s something.
Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge
Thunder Punch He-Man Buzz-Off Mosquitor Ram Man Trap-Jaw Zodac Scare Glow Webstor Mer-Man
Twitter friends @Brooksidefilms @NicoMartelle and @stradlemonkey came up with #MOTUDrawingCallenge, no skill required just sharing artwork of Masters Of The Universe. Check it out, so much fun artwork by so many talented people. Above are all of my current submissions.
Inktober 2018 (final)
Here is the final pictures I did for Inktober (October 29,30, & 31). This is the first year I did a drawing everyday and I can’t believe it went bye so fast.
Inktober Day 29! Sorceress, heroic guardian of Castle Grayskull.
Inktober Day 30! Samhain, the ghost of #Halloween ?, from the #RealGhostbuster.
Inktober Day 31! Love drawing haunted houses, this is a twist on the one I did last year.
Inktober 2018 (2 more weeks)
Here are Inktober drawings, days 15-28. Can’t believe it’s almost over.
Inktober 2018 (2 weeks)
Here are the first 2 weeks of my Inktober artwork. Enjoy.