Is it an improvement?

A few years back I got some of these Elite Ninja TMNT action figures with the intention of making customs and after several attempts I finally finished them.

I recently started using an airbrush to paint and I was able to get some nice tones on the chest shells and the green skin. I also used a metallic green to give the back shells that bright color.

There were a couple failed attempts at customizing these figures including hand painting (above), which I was so disappointed in that I just set them aside and forgot about them. I also airbrushed them and had to remove the paint when it started to peal teaching me why primer is so important.
So what is the verdict? Is this an improvement? Let me know what you think?

April O’Neil (TMNT 2012) First drawing of 2025!

Wahoo, it’s my first drawing of 2025! I know, it took forever, but here it is.
This is a drawing of April O’Neil from the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. I decided on this version because I love the design of the characters from this series and I was making a 3D print design too. I will post that tomorrow.

Skateboarding Mikey or Fun In The Sun Michelangelo

I had to post some closeup pictures of this Michelangelo design I did. I used a basic Raphael scan I found online and altered it, adding in some board shorts, cutoff tee, headphones and tape deck, and fanny pack. Finished it off with a baseball cap, shades, and skateboard.

What do you think, is he ready for the beach?


I 3D printed Slash about a year ago, but I’m finally just posting it here now. I purchased the scanned file and decided to add some much needed details. It’s printed in resin and hand painted with acrylic craft paints and some extra resin for the drool 🤤

Foot Soldier

I 3D printed this Foot Soldier about a year ago, but I’m finally just posting it here now. I purchased the scanned file and decided to add some much needed details. It’s printed in resin and hand painted with acrylic craft paints.

The Shredder

I made this last year and I’m just getting around to posting it here. I made this Mirage comic book style Shredder from a Playmates Shredder, altered some of his armor and 3D printed some gauntlets for his hands. I will definitely have to do some more, maybe a cartoon or Archie Comics version. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

TMNT 2012 Rock Soldiers and Triceratons

Traag and Granitor

I recently made some custom action figures for a friend who loves the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, but was bummed they had one Triceraton and zero Rock Soldiers in the toy line.

These were all designed from scratch using the Blender 3D software and printed using a Resin 3D printer.

You can purchase the files to print on your own at

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Custom Action Figures

Mozar & Utrom Custom Action Figures

 A friend commissioned me to make some figures from the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. The Utrom figures were just repainted from pink to blue but Mozar, like Slash, was made from a silicone mold that was soaked in mineral spirits. Much like Slash, most of Mozars limbs had to be completely recreated. What do you think?