I made these quite a while ago but I forgot to post them on here. Adora and Catra are both designed in Blender 3D and printed in resin. Both of these 3D print designs can be purchased at cults3d.com/en/users/Skele-Nate
Images are from the Mattel 2021 Analyst virtual meeting.
I’m guessing the figures in the first image are from Kevin Smith’s Masters Of The Universe Revelation and the second image is from the CGI He-Man which is more of a reboot. Maybe?
This challenge was to do a Masters Of The Universe Cereal box, this was heavily influenced by the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cereal box. I went with a more cartoonish look to the characters and of course included a free prize.
You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.