Castle Grayskull Dungeon

I have alway loved the Castle Grayskull Dungeon sticker drawn by Masters of the Universe legend Mark Taylor. When I started to learned how to do 3D design I knew I wanted to make my own version of the dungeon. If you want to download the 3D print file it available here


I’m jumping back into drawing after taking a few months off. I put little effort into the background, but I felt like drawing a hulking Conan the Barbarian type He-Man. I’m really trying something new on coloring, not sure how I fell about it, but it’s something.

Mondo Style Masterverse He-Man 15″

This He-Man figure was created from a Masterverse body and vintage head that I altered using Blender 3D. The armor and weapons were all created from scratch. The hands have tiny magnets and are interchangeable with the weapons hands. I also added magnets to the sword case so it can be easily removed or adjusted. I printed this in resin and was aiming for it to stand 12 inches, but it’s actually right around 15 inches, not including the sword.

Dragon Blaster Skeletor

Dragon Blaster Skeletor
Got a little bored in between panels of the comic I am working on and felt the urge to draw Skeletor again. Took a couple hours, worked on it on and off. Let me know what you think. Thanks! Artist: Nathan Kroll