This was an idea I had about Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, & Trap Jaw preparing to be yelled at by Skeletor for He-Mans escape, only to realize that Skeletor is not angry. Skeletor then reveals that he expected He-Man to escape, but when he was captive Skeletor made an evil robotic duplicate. The evil henchmen are then shocked as they are introduced to Faker.
Got this idea looking at the concept art for The New Adventures Of He-man in which one of the original ideas was to have a spaceship burst out of a crumbling Castle Grayskull. It would have been called Masters of Space, but they went with New Adventures of He-Man instead. If you love MOTU check out The Art Of Masters Of The Universe book at…
Got this idea from the Masters Of The Universe figure three packs that they used to sell back in the 80’s. Nerdy side note, the Stinkor action figure stunk because the plastic was infused with patchouli. I have a Stinkor that has a 1981 stamp and after 36 years it still stinks.
Faker was always, in my opinion, the oddest toy from the Masters of the Universe line. He looks like a drowned He-Man dressed like and orange Skeletor and he could not pass for either. Despite that he was always one of my favorites.
Here is all the drawing I did for Inktober 2017. A handful of the smaller ones were done in pencil and pen in my 2.5″ x 4″ sketchpad that I use on break at work. The rest were done digitally at home. The final one I colored and has an obvious Halloween theme.
Looking forward to doing this again next year and maybe even following the prompts.
This cover was inspired by Fantastic Four #44 drawn by Jack Kirby.
Hoping everyone has a safe and fun Halloween this year. As a kid I used to always draw haunted houses with ghosts and monsters all around it, I guess this would be the adult version of that:D
I wanted to draw a picture with She-Ra and I was inspired by my giant poster of Frank Frazetta’s Tiger Girl, but instead of 2 tigers I used Battle Cat and Swift Wind and of course She-Ra standing in between.
I was working on a picture of Skeletor for Inktober and decided to do a version of Battle Armor Skeletor in addition. Maybe Dragon Blaster and Terror Claw will follow. Maybe…