New Ghostbusters figures
Check out these rad new Ghostbusters figure that I picked up at the local Toys R Us. Probably would not have noticed them because they were displayed face down on a lower shelf, but the green packaging caught my eye. I was originally looking for the Ghostbusters 2016 movie figures which were also very poorly displayed. The 2016 movie figures were a wee bit on the expensive side of $20, but these classic figure were only $12.99. I still plan on getting the new ones eventually and am really excited for the upcoming movie.
With close to twenty points of articulation, the new figures are multi-poseable to say the least. They also come with eight extra interchangeable hands, removable Proton Packs and belts, with walkie-talkie and blast stream that attaches to the end of the Neutrino Wand. Egon figure comes with PKE Meter and Ray figure comes with a Trap.
Now all I need is to find Winston and Ray.