Evil Warriors (Masters of the Universe)

Got this idea from the Masters Of The Universe figure three packs that they used to sell back in the 80’s.
Nerdy side note, the Stinkor action figure stunk because the plastic was infused with patchouli. I have a Stinkor that has a 1981 stamp and after 36 years it still stinks.

Faker (Evil Robot of Skeletor)

Faker was always, in my opinion, the oddest toy from the Masters of the Universe line. He looks like a drowned He-Man dressed like and orange Skeletor and he could not pass for either. Despite that he was always one of my favorites.

Sketching 1

Got a small sketchbook from my wife last Christmas so I am trying to use it everyday at very least to do a quick sketch. This was a random picture I found of a tv start from the 60’s. Props to whoever guesses her identity correctly. Disclaimer, my picture doesn’t really look like the actress and that is why I didn’t include the photo. Let me know what you think:D Thanks;)

Quick Sketch of Batman

Simple sketch of Batman.
Drawn and inked in Photoshop with Wacom Intuos 3.
Let me know what you think and check out my artwork, webcomics, & videos @ nathankroll.com

Lion-O Sketch

Sketch of Lion-O, Lord Of The Thundercats. Plus I added in a little color. Now I can’t get the Thundercats theme out of my head.