Post explosion Orko Rebuilt

So apparently if you don’t properly rinse and cure a resin 3D print, especially if they are hallowed out, they might explode. That was the case with this Orko 3D print I made, and painted and since I hate to waste resin I glued it back together so I could practice with my airbrush. I like both paint jobs, but it’s obvious I need work on my putty skills.

What do you think?

Prince Adam (Revelation)

Saw someone else do this and I knew I needed to make one too. I used a MOTU Revelation He-Man and customized it to look like Prince Adam in the same way they did with the vintage line. I will definitely need to do this again with a Masterverse 40th Anniversary He-Man.

Custom Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Party Wagon

I purchased an old Party Wagon that was missing just about everything so I decided I wanted to customize it. All of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, April, and the gunner seat are all 3D printed.
3D print files available at

Orko (Masters of the Universe Revelation)

I wanted to make an Orko figure that resembled the character from the beginning of MOTU Revelation. He looked similar to the classic 80’s character but with a little more detail. I printed it in resin and I like how it turned out for the most part, but I had to do it in multiple pieces so there are some spots I had to putty.

You can buy the 3D print design at

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Custom Action Figures

Slash Custom Action Figure

A friend commissioned me to make some figures from the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. The second figure I finished was Slash, he is created with a silicone mold that was soaked in mineral spirits to increase its size and then resin cast. This process is rather difficult and I had to build the hands and spikes from scratch. What do you think?

Leatherhead Custom Action Figure

A friend commissioned me to make some figures from the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. The first one I finished was Leatherhead, he is completely 3D printed, but things like his teeth come out underwhelming so they needed to be fixed. Oh yeah and he is bigger. Way bigger. What do you think? Did it turn out okay?

Custom He-Man & Skeletor

I found a good deal on a few Masters Of The Universe Origins figures so I decided to make some custom action figures. These ones are heavily inspired by the Mondo action figures that were released a few years back.

12” Custom Action Figures (work in progress)

I just thought I would share some of my progress on these 3D printed 12” Masters Of The Universe action figures. These came out with a lot of layer lines so I have used a lot of filler, sand paper, and resin, but in the end they are stating to look pretty good. Let me know what you think.