Maybe it should be Battle For Grayskull? I don’t know. Sideshow Collectables had a really cool looking statue of He-Man and that is where I stole the look from.
Sketched and inked this a while back and forgot to post it on the website. I really love this new design for She-Ra for the new Netflix series. The art style looks really cool and I will definitely be checking it out.
I was watching the Masters Of The Universe movie the other day and I did a quick drawing of the movie version of He-Man. 31 years and there are still no great pictures showing the designs on the armor. Also I hate the boots.
This was an idea I had about Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, & Trap Jaw preparing to be yelled at by Skeletor for He-Mans escape, only to realize that Skeletor is not angry. Skeletor then reveals that he expected He-Man to escape, but when he was captive Skeletor made an evil robotic duplicate. The evil henchmen are then shocked as they are introduced to Faker.