Here is another installment of the Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge, check it out on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge. I love drawing the interior of Castle Grayskull and for the Sorceress picture I tried to include as much Filmations throne room stuff as I could find and a few things from the MOTU toy line. I love to think about what I would include in a Masters Of The Universe (1987) movie sequel and this one is supposed to be after Skeletor escapes the Castle Grayskull abyss and regroups with Evil-Lyn and Trap-Jaw.
I had an original Horde Trooper figure from when I was a kid but it was missing the back piece, fortunately, I was able to find Barbarossa Customs on eBay and they sent me a new one. With a complete trooper I was able to make a mold and then a cast new figure. I decided to make the entire torso one piece so it doesn’t open up like the original toy. The first figure I made was with clear plastic and purple food coloring, I call it my Grape Flavored Horde Trooper. The second figure is just a basic Horde Trooper with a slightly more detailed pain job.
Here is another installment of the Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge, check it out on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge. Lots of characters I have never drawn before including Jitsu, Blade, Tung Lashor, Bo, and Glimmer. Honestly, Adora is the only one I have drawn multiple times.
Here is even more from the Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge, check it out on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge. My favorite to draw out of this group was Melaktha. I wanted to go with an Indiana Jones feel and I hoped anyone who looked at it would think, what the hell is going on here?
Teela done in the style of the original Mark Taylor concept art.
Mark Taylor concept art.
Snake staff
This sword is originally from the Funko Primal Age Wonder Woman.
I wanted to make a Teela action figure that looked like the original concept art by Mark Taylor, the artist that helped create He-Man. I used a combination of Milliput (2 part epoxy putty), hot glue, and feathers to make the armor and headdress. I also used Milliput to make the hair bigger in the front and add a larger ponytail in the back. Next, I would like to make the original He-Man and Mer-Man.
Here is yet another batch from the Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge, check it out on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge. Lots of fun ones here like Orko and Teela and new characters I have never drawn like Frosta and Roboto. I even added color to 2 pieces in this set.
These figures are made from the Playmates Ninja Turtles figures and are done in the style of the original Eastman & Laird comic book. Originally all the turtles had red masks.
Leonardo These are mostly done in flat acrylic craft paints and model paints. The knee and elbow pads are made with Milliput sculpting putty.
Donatello The belts and straps are all made from craft foam.
Michelangelo The weapons are made from a combination of wooden dowels, toothpicks, and random plastic.
Ralph and Leo’s weapons have a lot of extra detail put into the handles.
Raphael The headbands are made from real fabric to look like they are actually blowing in the wind.
Here is a shot with the original Playmate TNMT figures to the left.
They look pretty nice on the shelf with the rest of my figures.
I managed to get my hands on a cheap King Randor action figure, it was in pretty bad shape, but the head was in good condition and I was able to make a mold of it. I already had a mold made of Battle Armor He-Man so in an ultimate act of laziness I made Battle Armor King Randor.
I wanted to make a Skeletor figure, but once I got the King Randor head mold made I thought with a little customization it would make a really cool Keldor. The hairstyle and beard give him more of a 70’s or 80’s vibe, which seems very fitting. I wanted to use the darker blue on his face to highlight his skull, but then toned it down when it looked way too cluttered. Keldor’s armor is made completely out of foam, toothpicks, and hot glue. I eventually made him a Havoc Staff too.
I honestly just wanted to see what it looked like to mix glitter into the plastic resin, I was not disappointed. I give you Glitter Sparkle He-Man.
There was no way in hell I was going to drop $200 on a vintage Scare Glow, so I made my own. I even used glow in the dark paint. Lots and lots of glow in the dark paint. I modeled my version of Scare Glow on the Mondo Scare Glow figure.
This new batch of drawings from the Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge takes us right up to Halloween 2019. Wolf-Man and Elk-Woman were from a “design your own character” theme. There were lots of fun creepy characters like Modulok and Mantenna in this set and you get to really use your imagination on them.
My figure in comparison to the William Stout Collection Rebel Leader He-Man figure by Super7.
The first figure I had to make was He-Man from the 1987 movie. As a kid, I always tried to make my He-Man figure look like the Dolph Lundgren movie version and I was always disappointed that Mattel never made one. In true 80’s toy fashion I tried to reuse already available pieces. He-Man’s legs are from Trap-Jaw and shoulder pads from Beast Man. This was the figure I always wanted as a child.
This was an early mold I did but then later abandoned because I messed it up, later I turned him into Prince Adam. I used pink on the vest to make him more like the Filmation cartoon version, but I couldn’t help adding the stitching to give him more of a Robin Hood look. I think my favorite thing about this custom was the hot rod red sword.
I always loved the idea of this mysterious Wun-Dar or Wonder Bread He-Man that nobody really seems to know the story behind. Well, not exactly anyway. My favorite thing on this custom figure was the armor that is made completely from crafting foam. I am still shocked at how well it turned out.
And finally, for this first batch, we have Ultimate Battle Armor He-Man. It’s basically Battle Armor He-Man with just a little bit more armor coverage, but not enough to actually be effective in combat. He-Man still has to be able to show off his muscles.