The only thing more fun than drawing Skeletor is drawing Intergalactic Skeletor from The New Adventures Of He-Man. The final picture is based on Amazing Spider-Man 50. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
I think all of these were new characters to draw with the exception of She-Ra and Leech, I used Sh-Ra’s newer cartoon design because it looks badass. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
I had so much fun with the Scorpia picture, Lion-O was a crossover, and King He-Man needed a smile. Bonus points if you can guess where I got the idea for the Horde Trooper picture. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
This was a group of characters I wasn’t very exited to draw and they all ended up being really fun challenges. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
Another Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge. I usually hate drawing vehicles, but these were really fun. Also She-Ra is a combination of classic and new with a little extra thrown in. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.
Citizen Ghost is one of my favorite episodes of the cartoon series The Real Ghostbustes. I have wanted to customize some figures to look like the movie Ghostbusters and finally found some rough looking figures for cheap. The Neutrino Wand was made from scratch using wooded dowels, craft foam, Milliput, and cardboard. I used rubber molds and plastic resin to make copies of the Proton Packs, Neutrino Wands, and Ghost Traps.
Another Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge. These were all really fun pictures to do, especially Battle Armor He-Man, I need to do more pictures with heavy shadowing. You can find MOTU Drawing Challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #MOTUdrawingchallenge.