Battle Of Grayskull

Nathan Kroll Artwork
Had a little fun drawing some Masters Of The Universe characters. Got the idea from a recent (last 5 years ?) issue of Avengers. Points for whoever can find the issue… I forget which.
Keep forgetting to post my artwork to my actual website, so here is what I have been up to for the last few weeks. Enjoy!
Visited the eagle center a few weeks back and got some amazing pictures of the four eagles and hawk.
National Eagle Center
Wabasha, Minnesota
Got some great pictures last night of the lunar eclipse. It was very cold but very worth it.
Here is the final pictures I did for Inktober (October 29,30, & 31). This is the first year I did a drawing everyday and I can’t believe it went bye so fast.
Inktober Day 29! Sorceress, heroic guardian of Castle Grayskull.
Inktober Day 30! Samhain, the ghost of #Halloween ?, from the #RealGhostbuster.
Inktober Day 31! Love drawing haunted houses, this is a twist on the one I did last year.
Here are Inktober drawings, days 15-28. Can’t believe it’s almost over.
Here are the first 2 weeks of my Inktober artwork. Enjoy.