Even more #MOTUdrawingchallenge
Hordak Icarius Man-E-Faces Shokoti Fisto Plundor Evil-Lyn Beast-Man Filmation Skeletor Skeletor
Ghostbusters ATC detailed action figures
I love all the detailed Ghostbusters figure that have come out recently, but I was disappointed they never made any from the Answer The Call movie. Last March I got sick of waiting and decided to make my own.
Ghostbusters Proton Pack Rowan Ghostbusters Ghsotbusters Jillian Holtzmann Jillian Holtzmann Patty Tolan Patty Tolan Erin Gilbert Erin Gilbert Abby Yates PKE Meter Abby Yates We put a ghost in a box! Ghost Trap Original figures.
Masters Of The Universe Drawing Challenge
Thunder Punch He-Man Buzz-Off Mosquitor Ram Man Trap-Jaw Zodac Scare Glow Webstor Mer-Man
Twitter friends @Brooksidefilms @NicoMartelle and @stradlemonkey came up with #MOTUDrawingCallenge, no skill required just sharing artwork of Masters Of The Universe. Check it out, so much fun artwork by so many talented people. Above are all of my current submissions.
The Uncanny X-Men

He-Man v Dragon Blaster Skeletor

Prince Adam, Cringer, Orko
Watched a couple of Youtube tutorials on coloring and shading in Photoshop, so I decided to try coloring this picture of Prince Adam, Orko, & Cringer. I also included a pencil and pen versions.
Finally posting this to the website
DC Primal Age Batman

Another one I am just finally getting posted.
Dungeons & Dragons

Had a visitor to my parent’s house last Friday. This opossum climbed up into the birdfeeder, then went for the suet. After he finished, he went back to the bird feeder and slept in the sun for a little while.