Now that I have seen Avengers and I have to say I was really pleased, I am back in the super hero mood and really looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight Rises. It looks to be pretty grim but hopefully it will at least have a pretty happy ending.
THOR the movie
Finally watched the movie Thor and I gotta say that I was pleasantly surprised. I put it off after the disappointment of most of the recent movie adaptations of comic books.
I must admit that I have never really been a fan of Thor, mostly reading about him in Avengers comics. He just seemed to me like a boring guy with a hammer that talked like someone out of the Bible.I guess looking back at it I shouldn’t have been so surprised that I liked the movie considering the one version of Thor that I enjoyed was from The Trial of the Incredible Hulk.
The new movie starts off exciting and and doesn’t really have any dull moments. They have great actors including Anthony Hopkins and Natalie Portman. Even the actors that I didn’t know of were fantastic.
There was also plenty of things that I remember from the comics like Volstagg and The Rainbow Bridge. I would definitely suggest this movie for any fanboy, action-movie lover, or just someone who wants to see a decent movie. Check it out.
Also, on a side note, considering how I surprisingly also enjoyed the Captain America movie I am actually pretty excited to see the new Avengers movie.
Favorite Thor quote Thor: “He’s fine! We drank, we fought – he made his ancestors proud!”
One dumb thing about the movie Everyone wore their helmets during the ceremony at the start of the movie but did not wear them during any fights.
Behind The Scenes
And for all the people that have ever wondered what happens behind the scenes. Not saying anyone ever did, I’m just saying.
I most commonly use Photoshop sketching everything out in a rough fashion and go over it in a new layer.
With new “modern technology” you can essentially draw on the computer just like you would in real life. Minus all the dead trees.
Here is my weapons of choice. Wacom Intuos 3 tablet with pressure sensitive pen and two sonic screwdrivers… you never know when you will need one.
Lastly two posable art figures complete with nipples.
Hope this answers all the questions that were never asked.
The Eighth Doctor
So I got into watching Doctor Who a couple years after the show was relaunched in 2005 and ever since then I have been watching all the old episodes that I can get may hands on. Everything from William Hartnell to Colin Baker and everything in between. Then I find out sometime in the nineties there was a movie made. Not the greatest movie (some parts are down right unbearable) but it had a lot of great parts and a really great actor (Paul McGann) as The Doctor. I always thought it was a shame that he never had his own series until I discovered the audio dramatizations by Big Finish Productions. They are done so well that you would swear you had just watched an episode on TV. To top it off they even got Paul McGann to do the voice of The Doctor and talented voice actors like India Fisher (Charley) and Conrad Westmaas (C’rizz) to play his companions. One of the episodes even had Nicholas Courtney (The Brigadier). This audio series is a great way to continue the adventure were the movie left off.
Favorite Doctor – Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)
Favorite Companion – Leela (Louise Jameson)
Favorite Villain – Cybershade (They’re just weird looking)
X-Men Schism
I know this is a little behind current comic events but I just had to write about how awesome the story arc was in X-men Schism. First off it focused on the core differences between Cyclops and Wolverine that had been brewing since Giant Sized X-Men #1… Okay so maybe not that long ago, but they finally had it out. This is what should have happened in that third craptacular X-Men movie. Wolverine and Cyclops give it hell (no holds barred) but when it comes down to it realize they need to put their differences aside to get the job done. They literally beat the living crap out of each other and at the final second when the Sentinel strikes they just ignore it and continue the ass kickings until the absolute last second and then team up to destroy the enemy.
Awesome story with an interesting outcome.
My one complaint is Wolverine and the X-Men? WTF?
Venture Bros – WTF?
I have not thought about The Venture Bros in a long time until I was shuffling through my stack of DVDs and watched a couple old episodes. Thats when it dawned on me, what the hell ever happened to the show. Last I recall the had a couple half seasons and then disappeared.
I have to say there was three things that I really like about the show. The cheesiness, the style, and the animation. All these things helped to make it one of the coolest cartoons I have see since Johnny Quest (direct parody).
Favorite character – Henchmen 21
Best Episode – Pretty much all of them.
Best Costume – Dr. Mrs. The Monarch (duh)
In the process of upgrading my website.
This may take a while, but hopefully we will be up and running real soon.
Thanks for your patients