Filmation’s Ghostbusters

I am a huge Ghostbusters fan, but back in the day, before The Real Ghostbusters there was Filmation’s Ghostbusters. This cartoon from 1986 was actually based on a live action series from 1975, predating the 1984 Ghostbusters movie we all know and love.

Check out the new GHOSTBUSTERS trailer!

There are plenty of people who have already decided that they hate the new Ghostbusters move and it’s not even in theaters yet. I personally think it looks fantastic. Be it good or bad I can’t wait to check it out. For me July ,15 2016 will not come soon enough.

New Ghostbusters figures

Check out these rad new Ghostbusters figure that I picked up at the local Toys R Us. Probably would not have noticed them because they were displayed face down on a lower shelf, but the green packaging caught my eye. I was originally looking for the Ghostbusters 2016 movie figures which were also very poorly displayed. The 2016 movie figures were a wee bit on the expensive side of $20, but these classic figure were only $12.99. I still plan on getting the new ones eventually and am really excited for the upcoming movie.

With close to twenty points of articulation, the new figures are multi-poseable to say the least. They also come with eight extra interchangeable hands, removable Proton Packs and belts, with walkie-talkie and blast stream that attaches to the end of the Neutrino Wand. Egon figure comes with PKE Meter and Ray figure comes with a Trap.

Now all I need is to find Winston and Ray.

All New Old X-Men

I have been reading a lot of All New X-Men so of course I had to do a picture. Also wanted to mix up the position, Angel on the ground, Marvel Girl center, and Cyclops in an almost Beast pose. Thanks:D

Beak Time Sketches!

Just some quick sketches I do on break in the mini notebook that I carry around at work. I suppose I could get a mini sketchbook so I wouldn’t have lines, but this way I can just draw and not worry about it looking good enough for expensive paper. In other words I am just having fun.




cyclops Eyes JeanGrey Lady Batman